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2040 S/40R
The PERMACOL 2040-series are thermosetting single component adhesives especially developed for the SMT purposes. The 2040S/40R is intended for stencil printing. Delivered in 10 ml. syringes and 310 ml. cartridges.

2040 S/20R
The PERMACOL 2040-series are thermosetting single component adhesives especially developed for SMT purposes. The 2040S/20Ris intended for stencil printing and high viscosity dispensing. Delivered in 10 ml. syringes and 310 ml. cartridges.

2040 D/R
The PERMACOL 2040-series are thermosetting single component adhesives especially developed for the SMT purposes. The 2040D/R is intended for high speed dispensing. Delivered in 10 ml. syringes and 310 ml. cartridges.
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