
Машини и оборудване

Машини и оборудване
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Автоматичен принтеер за печатни платки EP700 от EUROPLACER


Automatic inline high performance stencil/screen printer for high and medium volume production with Cycle time of 11.5 sec. (Standard), max. PCB size 610 x 515 mm.
Монтажен Автомат Pick & Place YRM20 от YAMAHA


Automatic inline P+P machine for high volume production with up to 128 feeders and max. speed of 115 000 cph (IPC 9850).
Монтажни автомати Pick & Place
1707 MK7 Reflow oven by HELLER Industries

1707 MK7

Heller 1707 MK7 is one of the most popular models from the MK7 family featuring lowest consumption of electrical energy, shortest time for profile changeover and overall lower oven height with 16 cm. The 1707 MK7 is an inline reflow oven for medium volume production with 7 Top and 7 Bottom heating zones as well as 1 Top Cooling zone.
Пещи тип Reflow
HELLER Industries
Машина за селективно спояване HANDEX от Pillarhouse


Машина с двойно завъртаща транспортна система, която позволява едновременно зареждане и разтоварване на платките по време на работа. Създадена за среден обем производство и предлага голяма гъвкавост. Носачът на панели позволява работа с платки с размери 457mm x 508mm.
Селективно спояване
KIC SPS Smart Profiler device showing black housing with LED indicators, company logo, numbered thermocouple ports, and yellow connector module.

SPS Smart Profiler

A smart device built with the Latest Data Processing and Wireless Technologies available. SPS can help you to reduce your production cost, improve quality and share data conveniently. The hardware is the best in temperature tolerance design using an LCP (Liquid Crystal Polymer) enclosure for better protection and faster cool down between profiles. You can connect 7, 9 or 12 Thermocouples.
Снемане на температурни профили
JBC RMSE complete rework system showing stacked control modules, hot air unit, multiple tool stands, desoldering iron, soldering iron, and accessories.

Ремонтна станция RMSE

Универсална ремонтна станция, която се състои от всички необходими уреди за бърз и лесен ремонт на печатни платки. Тя включва: Поялник с горещ въздух JTSE, Ръкохватка с вакуум за захващане на компоненти Т260, Поялник за разпояване DR560, Поялник T245.
Поялници и ремонтни станции
Система са разпояване от ASSCON

Desoldering system

The ASSCON desoldering system for use in vapor phase soldering systems. Multi-pole SMD components, ball grid arrays, connector strips as well as mechanical elements can be desoldered gently and safely.
Пещи с кондензиращи пари
JBC preheating system for medium/large PCBs showing labeled PCB support frame, preheater unit with control panel, and handheld digital controller.

Подгревател PHBEK

Подгревател за печатни платки с 2 незвисимо управляеми зони за нагряване с обща площ 360мм. х 277мм. и стойка за печатни платки.
Поялници и ремонтни станции
JBC compact preheating system showing labeled PCB support frame, dual-zone preheater base unit, and handheld digital control panel with LCD screen.

Подгревател PHSEK

Подгревател за печатни платки с 2 незвисимо управляеми зони за нагряване с обща площ 130мм. х 135мм. и стойка за печатни платки.
Поялници и ремонтни станции
Комплект игли NDKS за ръчен диспенсър DPM-B

Комплект игли NDKS

Комплект игли NDKS за ръчен диспенсър DPM-B
Поялници и ремонтни станции
Six different sizes of silver JBC soldering cartridges arranged in descending size, each featuring unique tip shapes for various soldering applications.

Накрайници за поялници JBC серия C245

Enhance precision soldering with JBC C245 cartridges, offering versatile SMD handling and extended lifespan for demanding tasks.
Поялници и ремонтни станции
Six different sizes of silver JBC soldering cartridges arranged in descending size, each featuring unique tip shapes for various soldering applications.

Накрайници за поялници JBC серия C560

Maximize desoldering performance with JBC Long Life tips, delivering instant heat-up and superior durability for DR560 tools.
Поялници и ремонтни станции
Six different sizes of silver JBC soldering cartridges arranged in descending size, each featuring unique tip shapes for various soldering applications.

Накрайници за поялници JBC серия C250

For the full range of C250 tips please visit JBC’s official page: https://www.jbctools.com/c250-cartridge-range-product-20-design-iron.html
Поялници и ремонтни станции
Six different sizes of silver JBC soldering cartridges arranged in descending size, each featuring unique tip shapes for various soldering applications.

Накрайници за поялници JBC серия R245

Perfect your general soldering needs with JBC R245 cartridges, offering 4-way positioning and precise alignment for consistent results.
Поялници и ремонтни станции
Six different sizes of silver JBC soldering cartridges arranged in descending size, each featuring unique tip shapes for various soldering application

Накрайници за поялници JBC серия C470

Tackle demanding soldering jobs with JBC C470 cartridges, offering high-power performance and extended lifespan for heavy-duty work.
Поялници и ремонтни станции
Six different sizes of silver JBC soldering cartridges arranged in descending size, each featuring unique tip shapes for various soldering applications.

Накрайници за поялници JBC серия C120

For the full range of C120 tips please visit JBC’s official page: https://www.jbctools.com/c120-cartridge-range-product-4-design-tweezer.html
Поялници и ремонтни станции
Six different sizes of silver JBC soldering cartridges arranged in descending size, each featuring unique tip shapes for various soldering applications.

Накрайници за поялници JBC серия R470

For the full range of R470 tips please visit JBC’s official page: https://www.jbctools.com/r470-cartridge-range-for-selective-soldering-product-1431.html
Поялници и ремонтни станции
Six different sizes of silver JBC soldering cartridges arranged in descending size, each featuring unique tip shapes for various soldering applications.

Накрайници за поялници JBC серия C420

For the full range of C420 tips please visit JBC’s official page: https://www.jbctools.com/c420-cartridge-range-product-21-design-tweezer.html
Поялници и ремонтни станции
Six different sizes of silver JBC soldering cartridges arranged in descending size, each featuring unique tip shapes for various soldering applications.

Накрайници за поялници JBC серия C210

Excel in precision work with JBC C210 cartridges, designed for microscope-level SMD soldering with superior longevity.
Поялници и ремонтни станции
Six different sizes of silver JBC soldering cartridges arranged in descending size, each featuring unique tip shapes for various soldering applications.

Накрайници за поялници JBC серия C115

Master nano-scale soldering with JBC C115 cartridges, delivering microscopic precision and 5x longer life for delicate work.
Поялници и ремонтни станции
JBC preheating system with labeled PCB support frame and preheater unit, showing a green circuit board mounted and handheld digital control unit.

Подгревател PHXLEK

Подгревател за печатни платки с 6 незвисимо управляеми зони за нагряване с обща площ 510мм. х 610мм. и стойка за печатни платки.
Поялници и ремонтни станции
Labeled diagram of JBC HM245 Soldering Set components including RBA soldering head, SFR feeder, UCR245 control unit, cartridge range, and tip cleaner.

Комплект за селективно спояване HM245

Комплект HM за селективно спояване с ръчна смяна на накрайниците.
Поялници и ремонтни станции
Labeled diagram showing components of JBC HA470 Heavy Duty Soldering Set including solder feeder, cartridge exchanger, control unit, tip cleaner, and automatic soldering tool.

Комплект за автоматично селективно спояване HA470

Комплект HA470 за селективно спояване с автоматична смяна на накрайници.
Поялници и ремонтни станции
JBC fume extraction system in black with digital display, featuring two white extraction plates connected via flexible black arms and a foot pedal control.

Екстрактор на дим FAE1 за 2 работни места

Екстрактор на дим с цифрово управление FAE1 за 2 работни места.
Поялници и ремонтни станции
Three views of a black automatic tip cleaner showing the exterior with soldering iron holder, control panel, and opened unit revealing dual cleaning brushes.

Стенд за почистване на накрайници CLMUP

Стенд за автоматично почистване с влакнести четки на накрайници JBC.
Поялници и ремонтни станции
JBC single-arm fume extraction unit with black base housing, digital control panel, foot pedal, and white extraction plate on flexible arm.

Екстрактор на дим FAE1

Екстрактор на дим с цифрово управление FAE1 за 1 работно място.
Поялници и ремонтни станции
JBC WSB wire stripping system showing control unit with digital display, wire stripping tweezers, and cartridge holder with interchangeable blades.

Станция за заголване на кабели WSB

Strip thermostable wire insulation with precision using WSB's smart system featuring customizable power and 800°C capability.
Поялници и ремонтни станции
Complete JBC rework station featuring DDE control unit with LCD display, desoldering module, soldering iron, desoldering iron, tool stands, and tip holder.

2-Tool Rework Station DDSE

DDSE се състои от 2-Tool управляващ модул, към който могат да се свържат 2 поялника едновременно, модул MSE и поялник DR560 за рапояване и поялник T245.
Поялници и ремонтни станции
JBC JNA nano rework station featuring control unit with LCD display, precision hot air tool, vacuum pick-and-place tool, and tool stand with replaceable tips.

Станция с горещ въздух High-Precision Hot Air JNA

Станция с горещ въздух, която е предназначена за работа с компоненти от 0402 (01005 in.) до SOIC-B.
Поялници и ремонтни станции
JBC TESE compact hot air station showing control unit with digital display, precision hot air tool with stand, and nozzle holder containing multiple tips.

Станция с горещ въздух Precision Hot Air TESE

Станция с горещ въздух, която е предназначена за работа с SOT, SOIC, QFN и VTLA компоненти. Станцията върви с комплект ектрактори и протектори за лесно и безопасно разпояване на компонентите.
Поялници и ремонтни станции
JBC automatic soldering station with control unit, wire feed system, soldering iron, tool stand, and solder reel holder for 2kg spools.

Спояваща станция с автоматино подаване на тинол ALE

ALE улеснява спояването като предлага на оператора автоматично подаване на тинол от ръкохватката. Стандартно станцията е с водач за тинол с диаметър 1 мм. Допълнително станцията може да работи с водачи, които позволяват използвате на тинол с диаметър от 0.4 мм. до 1.8 мм.
Поялници и ремонтни станции
Ремонтна станция с два инструмента от JBC

2-Tool nano rework ремонтна станция NASE

Станцията е предназначена за работа с нано SMD компоненти под микроскоп.
Поялници и ремонтни станции
JBC DME rework station showing control unit with LCD screen, desoldering module, multiple tool stands, and various soldering and desoldering tools with tip holder. Cop

4-Tool ремонтна станция DMPSE

DMPSE се състои от поялник DR560 за разпояване, поялник Т245, поялник Т210, поялник тип “пинсети” АМ120, както и управляващ модул който позволява да се свържат 4 поялника едновременно.
Поялници и ремонтни станции
JBC DMSE rework station featuring control unit with LCD display, desoldering module, tool stands, desoldering iron, general purpose handle, and tip holder.

2-Tool ремонтна станция DMSE

DMSE се състои от поялник DR560 за разпояване и поялник Т245 както и управляващ модул който позволява да се свържат 4 поялника едновременно.
Поялници и ремонтни станции
Спояваща станция за печатни платки "HDE" от JBC

Heavy duty спояваща станция HDE

HDE е най-мощната спояваща станция на JBC - 250 W, която позволява задаване на макс. температура на нагряване до 500 °C.
Поялници и ремонтни станции
Спояваща станция "CDN" от JBC предназначена за спояване на микро SMD компоненти.

High precision спояваща станция CDN

Спояваща станция JBC CDN предназначена за спояване на микро SMD компоненти.
Поялници и ремонтни станции
Спояваща система с два инструмента "NANE" от JBC

2-Tool nano soldering спояваща станция NANE

Станцията е предназначена за спояване на нано SMD компоненти и работа под микроскоп.
Поялници и ремонтни станции
JBC micro tweezer station featuring digital control unit with LCD display, tweezer tool holder, and adjustable micro tweezers with green grip.

Спояваща станция CP

Спояваша станция JBC CP с ръкохватка тип “пинсета”.
Поялници и ремонтни станции
JBC soldering assistant station showing control unit with graphical display, tool holder with brass cleaner, and precision soldering iron with green grip.

Soldering Assistant спояваща станция CDEB

Спояваща станция JBC CDEB, която в реално време показва и сравнява текущото спояване спрямо предварително зададено „референтно“ спояване.
Поялници и ремонтни станции
JBC JTSE hot air rework station showing control unit with LCD display, hot air tool with stand, and separate cartridge holder with multiple nozzles.

Станция с горещ въздух Power Hot Air JTSE

Станция с горещ въздух, която е предназначена за работа с всички типове SMD компоненти. Станцията върви с комплект ектрактори и протектори за лесно и безопасно разпояване на компонентите.
Поялници и ремонтни станции
JBC precision soldering station showing compact control unit with blue LCD display, tool holder with brass cleaner, and precision iron with green grip.

Precision спояваща станция CDS

Спояваща станция JBC CDS предназначена за спояване на SMD компоненти.
Поялници и ремонтни станции
JBC general purpose soldering station with blue LCD display, integrated tool holder with brass cleaner, extra tip storage, and precision iron with green grip.

Спояваща станция CDB

Спояваща станция предназначена за спояване на SMD и THT компоненти.
Поялници и ремонтни станции
Series of grey SD+ storage cabinets with glass doors, digital displays, adjustable shelves on casters, including various sizes and configurations.

SD+ Storage Cabinets

The Dry storage cabinets in the SD+ series are the highest performance versions of the SD range and are fully network compatible. The Storage Cabinets are equipped with high precision sensors, dynamic regeneration and integrated data logging. Safe and energy efficient low humidity control of <2% RH. A second drying unit ensures uninterrupted and redundant drying (SD+ 1104, 1106 and 1704 only).
Шкафове за сушене и съхранение
Сиви шкафове за сушене и съхранение на печатни платки серия "HSD" от TOTECH

HSD Series Drying Cabinets

The HSD Series Drying Cabinets deliver outstanding drying for moisture sensitive components and PCBs as a result of a high-performance drying unit
Шкафове за сушене и съхранение
Collection of modular SDB drying cabinets in grey finish with glass doors, adjustable shelves, and mobility casters shown in various sizes.

SDB Series Storage Cabinets

SDB Series Drying Cabinets are engineered for medium- to long­-term storage. The storage cabinets are equipped with a patented U­-4001 drying unit. The drying unit delivers outstanding drying performance. The drying unit guarantees constant low relative humidity ≤5% RH for medium- to long-term storage of moisture sensitive components and PCBs. Oxidation risks associated with long-term storage can hereby be avoided.
Шкафове за сушене и съхранение
Измервателен уред за спояване "MENISCO ST78" от METRONELEC в бял цвят


MENISCO ST78 is a measuring device which allows any wettability phenomena to be quantified every time solids and liquids are involved.
Тестери за спояване
Тестер за спояване MENISCO ST88 от METRONELEC


Fully new versatile multimedia equipment, with two modules for all type of solderability tests.
Тестери за спояване
Машина за спойка вълна "PHOENIX" от IEMME


Automatic inline wave soldering machine with a preheat length of 2100 mm. It works with max. PCB size 400 x 400mm. and solder bath capacity 450 kg.
Спойка вълна
Talos iemme wave soldering machine with grey base housing, dark tinted hood, side-mounted control panel, and signal tower light.


Automatic inline wave soldering machine with a preheat length of 1600 mm. It works with max. PCB size 400 x 400mm. and solder bath capacity 475 kg.
Спойка вълна
Venus wave soldering machine in light grey housing with transparent viewing windows, control panel, status light tower, and board transport rail.


Automatic inline wave soldering machine with a preheat length of 700 mm. It works with max. PCB size 400 x 400mm. and solder bath capacity 270 kg.
Спойка вълна
Машина за спойка вълна "ARIES" от IEMME


Automatic benchtop wave soldering machine with a preheat length of 500 mm. It works with max. PCB size 300 x 400mm. and solder bath capacity 150 kg.
Спойка вълна
Илюстрация на интелигентата база данни "Auto Focus Power" на KIC

KIC Auto Focus Power

Auto-Focus Power™ is a ‘recipe search engine’ with an intelligent database.
Снемане на температурни профили
Продукт Carrier на KIC

KIC Carrier

The KIC Carrier further assists the task of profiling, and is available in several models to accommodate a variety of reflow process types.
Снемане на температурни профили
Продукт "MVP" от KIC


Program the KIC MVP™ fixture by running a single profile on your PCB. Subsequent profile runs only require the use of the MVP fixture without the production board. The single programming run eliminates the need to sacrifice your PCB.
Снемане на температурни профили
Илюстрация на компютърен екран върху, който се визуализира системата Navigator Power от KIC

KIC Navigator Power

KIC’s powerful Navigator Power™ software is a system that lowers your electricity use and improves production quality.
Снемане на температурни профили
Илюстрация на робот, който рисува линейна диаграма и надпис, който изписва ProBot

KIC ProBot

The ProBot compliments the reflow oven by automatically recording the profile for each and every processed PCB. On the fly, the profile is compared to the established process window to determine whether it is in spec or not. This occurs in the background without human intervention and without interrupting production. The ProBot is programmed by running a manual profile using a KIC profiler.
Снемане на температурни профили
Система "Wave Surfer" от KIC

KIC Wave Surfer

The KIC® Wave Surfer™ is a self-contained system that provides critical data on wave solder machine set up and performance.
Снемане на температурни профили
Машина за снемане на температурни профили "RPI" от KIC


The RPI utilizes embedded sensors for heat and conveyor speed to automatically measure and display PCB profile, Process traceability, SPC and Cpk charts, statistics of defects, process yields and other.
Снемане на температурни профили
Термопрофилиращо устройство "KICstart2" от KIC

KIC start2

KICstart²™ utilizes the core technologies developed by KIC, the world’s premier thermal profiling company. Packaging these innovative technologies into a low-cost system, makes it an ideal cost effective entry level thermal profiler. The KICstart² profiler has everything you need to quickly acquire an accurate profile, without complicated features that can slow you down. You can connect 6 Thermocouples.
Снемане на температурни профили
Уред за настройка на профили K2


K² Profile Setter makes oven setup easy and quick (with optional KIC’s optimization software). You can connect 7 or 9 Thermocouples. User friendliness and convenience now include profile viewing on Android and Apple mobile devices.
Снемане на температурни профили
Synchrodex selective soldering machine in white and red housing with transparent viewing window, status light tower, and side-mounted computer workstation.


Създадена за фирми със среден и голям обем производство, Synchrodex предлага висока скорост, гъвкавост и работа в линия. Позволява работа с платки с размери 457mm x 610mm.
Селективно спояване
Машина за селективно спояване "JADE PRO" от Pillarhouse


JADE PRO се базира на постояннотоково сервозадвижване, 2 независими спояващи поти, които могат да се конфигурират със стандартни или jet-wave дюзи и автоматична смяна на потите.
Селективно спояване
Desktop selective soldering machine in white and red housing with integrated computer monitor, showing open maintenance door with soldering mechanisms inside.


Постигнете прецизно селективно спояване с тази компактна система за малко производство с опционален азотен генератор.
Селективно спояване
Glenbrook RTX-113 X-ray inspection system with desktop monitor, computer tower, and cabinet housing featuring illuminated inspection chamber and control panel.


RTX-113 is a unique X-ray inspection system, designed for rapid, reliable inspection of both multi-layer and assembled printed circuit boards.
Рентгенова инспекция
RTX-113HV X-ray inspection system featuring black cabinet housing with monitor display, computer tower, and transparent inspection chamber with blue lighting.


RTX-113HV is designed for inspection of multi-layer and assembled printed circuit boards with dense metal BGAs
Рентгенова инспекция
Машина за рентгенова инспекция "JewelBox-70T" от Glenbrook Technologies


The JewelBox-70T delivers superior image quality with excellent resolution and sensitivity for laboratory and failure analysis applications. The system’s 10-micron MicroTech™ x-ray source provides magnification from 7X to 2000X, with resolution of 100 line pairs/mm.
Рентгенова инспекция
Машина за рентгенова инспекция "JewelBox-90T" от Glenbrook Technologies


The JewelBox 90T delivers precision x-ray images of ultra high resolution and gray scale accuracy without the aberrations of Voltage Blooming and Pin cushioning prevalent in other systems. The patented, award-winning x-ray camera technology, in conjunction with its 90 kv, 5-7 micron focal spot x-ray tube, delivers precise x-ray images at magnifications from 7X to 2000X with a resolution of 100 line pairs/mm.
Рентгенова инспекция
Машина за рентгенова инспекция "JewelBox-110T" от Glenbrook Technologies


The JewelBox 110T delivers precision x-ray images of ultra high resolution and gray scale accuracy without the aberrations of Voltage Blooming and Pin cushioning prevalent in other systems. The patented, award-winning x-ray camera technology, in conjunction with its 110 kv, 5-7 micron focal spot x-ray tube delivers precise x-ray images at magnifications from 7X to 1,200X with a resolution of 100 line pairs/mm.
Рентгенова инспекция
Машина за рентгенова инспекция "JewelBox-100T" от Glenbrook Technologies


The JewelBox 100T delivers precision x-ray images of ultra high resolution and gray scale accuracy without the aberrations of Voltage Blooming and Pin cushioning prevalent in other systems. The patented, award-winning x-ray camera technology, in conjunction with its 100kv, 5 micron focal spot x-ray tube (replaces 90 kv, 5-7 micron focal spot x-ray tube), delivers precise x-ray images at magnifications from 7X to 2000X with a resolution of 500 line pairs/mm.
Рентгенова инспекция
Високоскоростна система за автоматична 3D рентгенова инспекция на печатни платки


Automatic inline high-speed, high-precision 3D-CT X-ray inspection system.
Рентгенова инспекция
Принтер за печатни платки BS110 от AUTOTRONIK


Manual stencil printer for small volume production with print area 610 x 610 mm.
Полу-автоматичен принтер за печатни платки SP1200 от AUTOTRONIK


Semi-automatic stencil printer. Ideal for medium production volumes of long LED PCB’s with print area - 1200 x 400 mm.
Автоматичен принтер за печатни платки BS1400 от AUTOTRONIK


Automatic offline stencil printer for small and medium volume production with print area 400 x 400 mm. (500 x 400 mm. optional).
Напълно автоматичен принтер AP435 от AUTOTRONIK


Automatic inline stencil printer for medium to high volume production with max. PCB size 400 x 340 mm.
Ръчен принтер за печатни платки SR 2000 от TWS

SR 2000

Manual stencil printer for small volume production with print area - 500 x 400 mm.
Полуавтоматичен принтер за печатни платки SR2700 от TWS

SR 2700

Semi-automatic stencil printer for small to medium volume production with print area 480 x 420 mm.
Автоматичен принтер за печатни платки SR 3200 от TWS

SR 3200

Automatic offline stencil printer for medium volume production with automatic fiducial recognition and print area 320 x 440 mm.
Принтер за печатни платки ii-P7 от EUROPLACER


Automatic inline high performance low maintenance stencil/screen printer for medium to high volume production. Cycle time - 9s. (Standard); 7s. Optional (Velocity); 5s. Optional (Velocity+). Works with max. PCB size 610 x 515 mm.
Пещ тип Reflow за печатни платки "850" oт TWS


Benchtop reflow and convection oven for prototyping and small volume production. 1 Heating zone and Max. reflow temperature - 260 °.
Пещи тип Reflow
TWS Automation OV1150 reflow oven in matte black finish with adjustable legs, digital display, and ventilation panels along its body.

1150 EVO

Reflow soldering oven for small volume production with 2 Heating zones and Max. reflow temperature - 350°C
Пещи тип Reflow
TWS Automation reflow oven in light gray finish with ventilation panels, featuring a conveyor belt entrance and digital control display.

1320 EVO

Reflow soldering oven for small volume production with 4 Heating zones and Max. reflow temperature - 320°C
Пещи тип Reflow
TWS Automation CV1385 reflow oven in matte black finish, featuring a digital display monitor and ventilation panels along its length

1385 EVO

Reflow soldering oven with best quality-price ratio for medium volume production with 4 Heating zones and Max. reflow temperature - 350°C.
Пещи тип Reflow
1913 МК5 Reflow oven system by Heller Industries

1913 MK5

Heller 1913 MK5 features lowest cost of ownership combined with high reliability. The 1913 MK5 is an inline reflow oven for high volume production with 13 Top and 13 Bottom heating zones as well as 3 Top cooling zone.
Пещи тип Reflow
HELLER Industries
1936 MK7 Reflow system by HELLER Industries

1936 MK7

Heller 1936 MK7 is one of the most popular models from the MK7 family featuring lowest consumption of N2 and electrical energy, shortest time for profile changeover and overall lower oven height with 16 cm. The 1936 MK7 is an inline reflow oven for high volume production with 10 Top and 10 Bottom heating zones as well as 3 Top cooling zone.
Пещи тип Reflow
HELLER Industries
Heller 1826 MK7 reflow oven, a large white industrial machine with blue trim and company branding. The unit features multiple access panels along its length and is mounted on wheels for mobility.

1826 МК7

Heller 1826 MK7 is one of the most popular models from the MK7 family featuring lowest consumption of N2 and electrical energy, shortest time for profile changeover and overall lower oven height with 16 cm. The 1826 MK7 is an inline reflow oven for medium to high volume production with 8 Top and 8 Bottom heating zones as well as 2 Top cooling zone.
Пещи тип Reflow
HELLER Industries
1809 MK5 reflow oven by HELLER Industries

1809 MK5

Heller 1809 MK5 features lowest cost of ownership combined with high reliability. The 1809 MK5 is an inline reflow oven for medium to high volume production with 9 Top and 9 Bottom heating zones as well as 2 Top cooling zone.
Пещи тип Reflow
HELLER Industries
1707 MK5 refllow soldering oven by Heller

1707 MK5

Heller 1707 MK5 features lowest cost of ownership combined with high reliability. The 1707 MK5 is an inline reflow oven for medium volume production with 7 Top and 7 Bottom heating zones as well as 1 Top cooling zone.
Пещи тип Reflow
HELLER Industries
Пещ с кондензиращи пари VP 2000 от ASSCON

VP 2000

Inline vapor phase machine for high volume production. Available in single or dual lane configuration with Max. solder length 1500 mm.
Пещи с кондензиращи пари
Пещ с вакуум VP 2100 от ASSCON

VP 2100 Vacuum

Inline vapor phase machine for medium volume production. Works with Max. solder format 620 x 520 mm. When voids reduction is required, vacuum is applied during the soldering process.
Пещи с кондензиращи пари
Пещ VP 2100 от ASSCON

VP 2100

Inline vapor phase machine for medium volume production. Works with Max. solder format 750 x 620 mm. and Max. component height 60 mm.
Пещи с кондензиращи пари
Пещ за малки партиди VP 810 от ASSCON

VP 810

Stand alone vapor phase machine for small volume production. PCB’s are soldered at the same time placed on a carrier with dimensions 610 x 460 mm.
Пещи с кондензиращи пари
Пещ 6100 от ASSCON в бяло и червено

VP 6100

Stand alone vapor phase machine for medium to high volume production. PCB’s are soldered at the same time placed on a carrier with dimensions 600 x 600 mm. When voids reduction is required, vacuum is applied during the soldering process.
Пещи с кондензиращи пари
Монтажен автомат Pick & Place "QUADRA DVC EVO" от TWS


Entry level stand-alone P+P machine for small to medium volume production.
Монтажни автомати Pick & Place
Pick&Place автомат за малки партиди BS281 от AUTOTRONIK


Benchtop stand-alone P+P machine for prototype and small-volume production
Монтажни автомати Pick & Place
Монтажен автомат Pick & Place "HD806" от AUTOTRONIK


Automatic inline P+P machine specially developed for fast and highly accurate assembly of LED's in high volume production and PCB size between 600 and 1200 mm.
Монтажни автомати Pick & Place
Pick & Place Машина BA388 от AUTOTRONIK


Automatic inline P+P machine for small volume production with up to 256 feeders and max. speed of 5 500 cph (IPC 9850).
Монтажни автомати Pick & Place
Монтажен Автомат Pick & Place BA392 от AUTOTRONIK


Automatic inline P+P machine for small volume production with up to 160 feeders and max. speed of 3 400 cph (IPC 9850).
Монтажни автомати Pick & Place
Монтажен автомат BA889 от AUTOTRONIK


Automatic inline P+P machine for medium volume production with up to 96 feeders and max. speed of 18 800 cph (IPC 9850)
Монтажни автомати Pick & Place
Монтажен Автомат Pick & Place YRM10 от YAMAHA


Automatic inline P+P machine for medium volume production with up to 96 feeders and max. speed of 52 000 cph (IPC 9850).
Монтажни автомати Pick & Place
Машина за миене и почистване FluxCLEAN от PBT Works в бял цвят със зелени акценти


Manually operated maintenance cleaning system. Simple and cost effective solution. Customized sizing available.
Машини за миене и почистване
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