Логото на Heller Industries

HELLER Industries


Heller Industries е основана през 1960 г. Специализирана е в производството на хоризонтални и вертикални пещи за спояване на печатни платки, както и за ускорена полимеризация на лепила, лакове и други органични материали.

Заводите им са в САЩ, Южна Корея и Китай. През 80-те години фирмата пусна в производство за първи път в света тунелни пещи с принудителна конвекция (forced convection), с независимо управление на нагряващите зони над и под конвейера и със система за почистване на флюсите, без прекъсване на работния режим. За тези и други постижения няколко пъти бяха удостоени с наградата Vision - най-престижното отличие в света за иновации в електрониката.

Повече от 20 000 пещи на Heller работят при клиенти във всички краища на света. МК7 е най-новата им серия пещи с принудителна конвекция, отличаващи се с най-малък разход на ел. енергия, най-кратко време за смяна на температурния профил и периодично обслужване. МК5 е предишната серия от тези пещи, показала висока надеждност и стабилност в продължение на много години, както у нас, така и по света.

Повече информация за продуктите на Heller може да намерите на https://hellerindustries.com/.

Продукти на HELLER Industries

1707 MK7 Reflow oven by HELLER Industries

1707 MK7

Heller 1707 MK7 is one of the most popular models from the MK7 family featuring lowest consumption of electrical energy, shortest time for profile changeover and overall lower oven height with 16 cm. The 1707 MK7 is an inline reflow oven for medium volume production with 7 Top and 7 Bottom heating zones as well as 1 Top Cooling zone.
Пещи тип Reflow
HELLER Industries
1913 МК5 Reflow oven system by Heller Industries

1913 MK5

Heller 1913 MK5 features lowest cost of ownership combined with high reliability. The 1913 MK5 is an inline reflow oven for high volume production with 13 Top and 13 Bottom heating zones as well as 3 Top cooling zone.
Пещи тип Reflow
HELLER Industries
1936 MK7 Reflow system by HELLER Industries

1936 MK7

Heller 1936 MK7 is one of the most popular models from the MK7 family featuring lowest consumption of N2 and electrical energy, shortest time for profile changeover and overall lower oven height with 16 cm. The 1936 MK7 is an inline reflow oven for high volume production with 10 Top and 10 Bottom heating zones as well as 3 Top cooling zone.
Пещи тип Reflow
HELLER Industries
Heller 1826 MK7 reflow oven, a large white industrial machine with blue trim and company branding. The unit features multiple access panels along its length and is mounted on wheels for mobility.

1826 МК7

Heller 1826 MK7 is one of the most popular models from the MK7 family featuring lowest consumption of N2 and electrical energy, shortest time for profile changeover and overall lower oven height with 16 cm. The 1826 MK7 is an inline reflow oven for medium to high volume production with 8 Top and 8 Bottom heating zones as well as 2 Top cooling zone.
Пещи тип Reflow
HELLER Industries
1809 MK5 reflow oven by HELLER Industries

1809 MK5

Heller 1809 MK5 features lowest cost of ownership combined with high reliability. The 1809 MK5 is an inline reflow oven for medium to high volume production with 9 Top and 9 Bottom heating zones as well as 2 Top cooling zone.
Пещи тип Reflow
HELLER Industries
1707 MK5 refllow soldering oven by Heller

1707 MK5

Heller 1707 MK5 features lowest cost of ownership combined with high reliability. The 1707 MK5 is an inline reflow oven for medium volume production with 7 Top and 7 Bottom heating zones as well as 1 Top cooling zone.
Пещи тип Reflow
HELLER Industries

Предстоящи събития на HELLER Industries

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Новини от HELLER Industries

Heller Industries спечели наградата 2018 Service Excellence Award

Heller Industries спечели наградата 2018 Service Excellence Award на Circuits Assembly в категорията Soldering Equipment
HELLER Industries
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Heller Industries бе удостоена с престижната награда GLOBAL COMPANY OF THE YEAR за 2020г.

Heller Industries бе удостоена с престижната награда GLOBAL COMPANY OF THE YEAR за 2020г. в категорията SURFACE MOUNT SOLDERING EQUIPMENT в класацията BEST PRACTICES на Frost & Sullivan.
HELLER Industries
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Заработи нова поточна линия, доставена от нас

През януари 2023г. пуснахме в експлоатация нова линия за повърхностен монтаж в Телетек, София.
HELLER Industries
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Публикации от HELLER Industries

HELLER Industries

Void Reduction in Bottom Terminated Components Using Vacuum Assisted Reflow

Pockets of gas, or voids, trapped in the solder interface between discrete power management devices and circuit assemblies are, unfortunately, excellent insulators, or barriers to thermal conductivity. This resistance to heat flow reduces the electrical efficiency of these devices, reducing battery life and expected functional lifetime of electronic assemblies.
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HELLER Industries

Optimize solder reflow

With solder reflow, relying on commonly accepted practices can lead engineers to overlook some relatively simple factors that are critical to optimizing the process. An examination of six “conventional wisdom” tenets reveals that challenging them can contribute significantly to improved yields.
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