1936 MK7 Reflow system by HELLER Industries

1936 MK7

Heller 1936 MK7 is one of the most popular models from the MK7 family featuring lowest consumption of N2 and electrical energy, shortest time for profile changeover and overall lower oven height with 16 cm. The 1936 MK7 is an inline reflow oven for high volume production with 10 Top and 10 Bottom heating zones as well as 3 Top cooling zone.

Soldering is performed in air or N2. The above oven can be equipped with different number of zones as well as many additional options at request.

Technical data

  • Overall Length: 590 cm
  • Number of Heated Zones: 10 Top and 10 Bottom
  • Heated Tunnel Length: 360 cm
  • Number of Cooling Zones: 3 Top; Bottom and External cooling zones – Optional
  • Overall height - 144 cm.
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1707 MK7 Reflow oven by HELLER Industries

1707 MK7

Heller 1707 MK7 is one of the most popular models from the MK7 family featuring lowest consumption of electrical energy, shortest time for profile changeover and overall lower oven height with 16 cm. The 1707 MK7 is an inline reflow oven for medium volume production with 7 Top and 7 Bottom heating zones as well as 1 Top Cooling zone.
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