Машина за миене и почисване на електроника "CompaCLEAN" от PBT Works


For customers with preference of traditional dishwasher style machine, CompaCLEAN provides the type of cleaning many are accustomed to while minimizing the shadow effect thanks to unique linear tangent spray technology. PCB's are loaded just like plates into a typical kitchen dishwasher. Perfect filtration is required to achieve sufficient cleaning quality and minimal cross-contamination. Every PBT cleaning machine uses independent closed loop with dedicated pump and filtration system for each individual process step. Water based cleaning agents are mixtures of organic concentrate and deionized water. Optimal chemistry and its concentration is selected by PBT Glass test and confirmed by real PCBA sample test. Then, PBT machines have several options to automatically monitor or/and control concentration of the washing liquid concentration in a real time.

Технически данни / Проспект на продукта

Подобни продукти

Машина за миене и почистване FluxCLEAN от PBT Works в бял цвят със зелени акценти


Manually operated maintenance cleaning system. Simple and cost effective solution. Customized sizing available.
Машини за миене и почистване
Почистваща машина за печатни платки "HyperCLEAN" от PBT


High capacity defluxing machine ideal for low mix production. Best for well matching cleaner and flux combinations.
Машини за миене и почистване
Машина за почистване SuperSWASH от PBT Works


Fully automatic high performance zero drain system. Ideal for cleaning middle to high volume of electronic assemblies. Suitable for cleaning high volume of stencils.
Машини за миене и почистване