Desoldering system
- Easy to operate
- Economical: purchase and operation
- May be used with every vapor-phase soldering machine
- No damage to components or PCB tracks
- Oxidation-free process during reflow
- Homogeneous and stress-free heating of the assembly
- No over-heating of the component to be desoldered orthe assembly
- No wearing parts
- Reproducible process conditions
- After installing a new positioning pin the desoldering system is immediately operational
- Neither special nozzles nor tools needed for different component forms
- Lead-free products may be repaired without problems
Подобни продукти

VP 2000
Inline vapor phase machine for high volume production. Available in single or dual lane configuration with Max. solder length 1500 mm.
Пещи с кондензиращи пари

VP 2100 Vacuum
Inline vapor phase machine for medium volume production. Works with Max. solder format 620 x 520 mm. When voids reduction is required, vacuum is applied during the soldering process.
Пещи с кондензиращи пари

VP 2100
Inline vapor phase machine for medium volume production. Works with Max. solder format 750 x 620 mm. and Max. component height 60 mm.
Пещи с кондензиращи пари