Optimize solder reflow
A review of these commonly acceptedreflow practices indicates that the surfacemount process often defies generalization. Inmany cases, each process is unique andrequires individually designed methods to satisfy its own requirements. And, of course,there is no substitute for rigorous processcontrol. However, manufacturers are notwithout resources to assist in fine-tuning theirprocesses. To take advantage of rapid developments in advanced technology, assemblersshould work in partnership with all their vendors including suppliers of placement equipment, screen printers, solder paste, conveyors and reflow ovens. The sales and technicalsupport staffs of these companies have experienced literally thousands of applications.Hence, their expertise can provide valuableprocess contributions usually at no cost. Infact, when vendor consultation is combinedwith a manufacturer’s own engineeringresources to challenge commonly acceptedpractices and to optimize process control overeach step in an assembly line, the stage is setfor creating a highly successful operation withhigh productivity levels.